From The Pastor

Hello friend!

PastorThank you for stopping by to take a look at the newly designed website for Bible Baptist Church. This is just one of many tools we are using to reach and to serve our community with the life-changing gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Feel free to check out the different ministries available to you.

We know life is hard and confusing these days and Bible Baptist Church offers clear and easy to understand Bible teaching that helps people where they are at. Parents and the extended family desire help in turning out children that will be a success in the eyes of God and to produce a fruitful life that has effect for generations to come. We have God’s Word and promises to see that happen.

We also understand the Inside Churchpressures put on single parents and blended families and want to help them enjoy the blessings of God upon their efforts as well. A church that truly cares about people reaches out in love and helps folks see these very blessings become a reality in their lives.

So come on over to the church on Hoyt Street and see what so many others have found out. The Lord Jesus makes all things new and we have the privilege of seeing it happen right before our eyes.

Pastor Tim Whalen
Bible Baptist Church.